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Team work

Get Involved at KBC

Garden Club

This group helps maintain our beautiful gardens surrounding the church. You are free to bring your own tools and some will be available at the church. You get to work whenever is convenient for you!


These smiling faces help to ensure all feel welcome when they come to worship at KBC. They can help people locate the nursery, restrooms, audio assistance devices, they take attendance, and are knowledgeable about the location of medial supplies in case of an emergency.

Pew Racks

We are in need of help cleaning and filling our pew racks. This would include sharpening pencils, refilling envelopes, and removing trash, etc. from the pew rows.

Teaching & Substitutes

We have Adult, Youth, and Child Sunday School classes that meet at 9:15am. If you are interested in teaching, subbing, assisting, etc. please let us know!

Small Building Repairs

Join our team of handy people to help with small repairs around the church and Hospitality Homes. Carpentry, plumbing, electrical, and painting skills are all a blessing!

Kitchen Hospitality

KBC periodically has meetings and events which involve food. We are looking for folks who enjoy serving and working in the kitchen to help make these events successful. Planning, preparation, and serving of food as well as running the dishwasher and cleaning up are some of the needs.

Sunday Morning Coffee Service

We need folks who are willing to brew coffee and set out the fixin's on Sunday mornings.

Livestream and/or Sound

Audio and streaming technologies are crucial parts of our worship of God and our continual outreach to people beyond the walls of the sanctuary. We have invested in the most up-to-date tools to do this ministry well, But we always stand in need of having additional volunteers to be trained with the skill-sets to make this ministry happen week-to-week.

Worship Care

We love being able to provide care to little ones so the parents can be involved in worship. Our volunteers assist with this service for ages infant - 4 years-old.


Do you have an eye for decorating? We are always in need of people who enjoy making things look nice for our special events - mainly table decorations, flower arranging, etc.


This group works together to provide transportation to and from KBC for anyone in need. This is open to anyone, but is mainly used to help senior adults and those who have medical procedures. Some riders need room to accommodate items like walkers.

Worship Readers

The public reading of scripture is central to worship. We seek to include readers of all ages and provide guidance so all readers feel confident. Effective readers make the Word of God come to life.

If you’d like more information or want to get involved, let us know!

211 North Woodlawn Ave. 
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Phone: 314-965-2349​

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