Children's Ministry
sunday school
Sunday mornings at 9:15 you will find children actively engaging the stories of the Bible. Through games, crafts and other activities, children are encouraged to enter the story. In age-appropriate ways, children begin to learn that the Bible is a source of guidance that is applicable to the way they choose to live each day.
We have classes for children in Kindergarten-5th grade.
spiritual formation
At KBC children are valued for who they are, not just who they will become. Intergenerational activities allow children to get to know other adults who care for them and are interested in what they are doing and thinking. While parents are the primary source of spiritual formation for their children, we seek to come alongside families and support them in their effort. From formational experiences to enrichment resources KBC wants to help children to continue to grow in their understanding of what it means to be a child of God.

